Версия для Matplotlib 3.6.2.
Fixed code lines highlited blue
(.env) boris@UbuntuLTS:~/RIPSER$ cat
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ripser import ripser
from persim import plot_diagrams
import tadasets
def drawLineColored(X, C):
for i in range(X.shape[0]-1):
lines=plt.plot(X[i:i+2, 0], X[i:i+2, 1], c=C[i, :])
plt.setp(lines, color='black', linewidth=2.0)
def plotCocycle2D(D, X, cocycle, thresh):
Given a 2D point cloud X, display a cocycle projected
onto edges under a given threshold "thresh"
#Plot all edges under the threshold
N = X.shape[0]
t = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
c = plt.get_cmap('Greys')
C = c(np.array(np.round(np.linspace(0, 255, len(t))), dtype=np.int32))
C = C[:, 0:3]
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if D[i, j] <= thresh:
Y = np.zeros((len(t), 2))
Y[:, 0] = X[i, 0] + t*(X[j, 0] - X[i, 0])
Y[:, 1] = X[i, 1] + t*(X[j, 1] - X[i, 1])
drawLineColored(Y, C)
#Plot cocycle projected to edges under the chosen threshold
for k in range(cocycle.shape[0]):
[i, j, val] = cocycle[k, :]
if D[i, j] <= thresh:
[i, j] = [min(i, j), max(i, j)]
a = 0.5*(X[i, :] + X[j, :])
plt.text(a[0], a[1], '%g'%val, color='b')
#Plot vertex labels
for i in range(N):
plt.text(X[i, 0], X[i, 1], '%i'%i, color='r')
x = tadasets.dsphere(n=12, d=1, noise=0.1)
plt.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1])
result = ripser(x, coeff=17, do_cocycles=True)
diagrams = result['dgms']
cocycles = result['cocycles']
D = result['dperm2all']
dgm1 = diagrams[1]
idx = np.argmax(dgm1[:, 1] - dgm1[:, 0])
plot_diagrams(diagrams, show = False)
plt.scatter(dgm1[idx, 0], dgm1[idx, 1], 20, 'k', 'x')
plt.title("Max 1D birth = %.3g, death = %.3g"%(dgm1[idx, 0], dgm1[idx, 1]))
cocycle = cocycles[1][idx]
thresh = dgm1[idx, 1] #Project cocycle onto edges less than or equal to death time
plotCocycle2D(D, x, cocycle, thresh)
plt.title("1-Form Thresh=%g"%thresh)
thresh = dgm1[idx, 1]-0.00001 #Project cocycle onto edges less slightly less than the death time
plotCocycle2D(D, x, cocycle, thresh)
plt.title("1-Form Thresh=%g"%thresh)
thresh = dgm1[idx, 0] #Project cocycle onto edges that have lengths less than or equal to the birth time
plotCocycle2D(D, x, cocycle, thresh)
plt.title("1-Form Thresh=%g"%thresh)
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